bwg.neo4j_extensions ==================== Motivation ---------- This module was created for several reasons: First of all, :class:`~bwg.neo4j_extensions.Neo4jDatabase` was created to provide a tailored wrapper to a ``Neo4j`` database with extended and only relevant functionalities, including :class:`~bwg.neo4j_extensions.Entity` and :class:`~bwg.Relation`. Other classes like :class:`~bwg.neo4j_extensions.EveCompabilityMixin`, :class:`~bwg.neo4j_extensions.Neo4jLayer`, :class:`~bwg.neo4j_extensions.Neo4jLayer` were written to make the database work with the ``RESTful API`` `Eve `_. Although there is a library already bridging this gap, which is called `eve-neo4j `__, it was causing problems, namely `this one `__. No viable solution could be found, thereby these classes were created. Finally, ``Luigi`` defines an interface for possible task targets (= output destinations). To write data directly into a database within a ``Luigi`` task, :class:`~bwg.neo4j_extensions.Neo4jTarget` was created. Module contents --------------- .. automodule:: bwg.neo4j_extensions :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: